Se ha celebrado con gran éxito el III Foro Técnico en Sanidad Vegetal / The 3rd Technical Forum on Plant Protection has been held with great success

Bajo el título general: "Nuevos retos en sanidad vegetal. Xylella fastidiosa: situación actual y retos futuros" se ha celebrado, con gran éxito de público, este evento organizado por el Departamento de Desarrollo Rural y Sostenibilidad del Gobierno de Aragón.


En primer lugar se han presentado los resultados de diversos ensayos realizados durante 2017, llevados a cabo dentro del Proyecto Redes de Vigilancia Fitosanitaria, coordinados por el CSCV. En la segunda parte se realizado un exhaustivo análisis de la situación actual e incidencia de la enfermedad causada por Xylella fastidiosa en España y se ha pedido la colaboración de todo el sector para evitar su introducción en Aragón.   En el evento han participado Carlos Lozano y Santiago Fuertes, técnicos del CSCV, Ana Palacio y Eva Nuñez, investigadoras del CITA, todos miembros de PROVESOS. El acto ha sido clausurado por  el Director General de Alimentación y Fomento Agroalimentario en nombre del Consejero del Departamento. Ver programa adjunto. Fotos A. Cirujeda

The 3rd Technical Forum on Plant Protection has been held with great success
Under the general title: "New challenges in plant protection: Xylella fastidiosa: current situation and future challenges", this event organized by the Department of Rural Development and Sustainability of the Government of Aragon (Spain) was held with great public success.

III foro técnico nov17

III foro técnico nov17

In the first place, the results of several tests carried out during 2017, carried out within the Phytosanitary Surveillance Networks Project, coordinated by the CSCV, have been presented. In the second part an exhaustive analysis of the current situation and incidence of the disease caused by Xylella fastidiosa in Spain was carried out and the collaboration of the entire sector has been requested to avoid its introduction into Aragon. The event was attended by Carlos Lozano and Santiago Fuertes, CSCV technicians, Ana Palacio and Eva Nuñez, CITA researchers, all members of PROVESOS. The act has been closed by the General Director of Food and Food Development on behalf of the Counselor of the Department. See attached program. Photos A. Cirujeda