Publicaciones en revista internacional / Papers in international magazine

El artículo: "Effect of reduced tillage and conventional tillage on weed communities: Results of a long-term experiment in Southwestern Spain" de los investigadores: Pardo,G., Cirujeda, A., Perea, F.,Verdú, A.M.C., Mas, M.T., Urbano, J.M. ha sido aceptado para su publicación en la revista brasileña Planta Daninha. Los Drs. Gabriel Pardo y Alicia Cirujeda pertenecen a la Unidad de Sanidad Vegetal del CITA y son miembros de PROVESOS. Asi mismo, ha sido aceptado para su publicación el artículo: “Conservation Agriculture in trouble? Estimating the economic impact of an eventual glyphosate prohibition in Spain” firmado por los Drs. Gabriel Pardo y Yolanda Martinez (Universidad de Zaragoza).

Fuente: Planta Daninha

 The article: "Effect of reduced tillage and conventional tillage on weed communities: Results of a long-term experiment in Southwestern Spain" of the researchers: Pardo, G., Cirujeda, A., Perea, F., Verdú, AMC, Mas, MT, Urbano, JM has been accepted for publication in the Brazilian magazine Planta Daninha. Drs. Gabriel Pardo and Alicia Cirujeda belong to the Plant Health Unit of CITA and are members of PROVESOS.
Likewise, the article has been accepted for publication: "Conservation Agriculture in trouble? Estimating the economic impact of an eventual glyphosate prohibition in Spain "signed by Drs. Gabriel Pardo and Yolanda Martinez (University of Zaragoza, Spain)