Artículo sobre acolchados agrícolas biodegradables / Article on biodegradable agricultural mulches

Los investigadores del CITA Ana I. Marí, Gabriel Pardo, Alicia Cirujeda y de la UniZar Yolanda Martínez han publicado el trabajo: "Economic Evaluation of Biodegradable Plastic Films and Paper Mulches Used in Open-Air Grown Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) Crop" en la prestigiosa revista internacional Agronomy [2019, 9(1), 36; doi: 10.3390/agronomy9010036]. Los primeros son miembros del grupo PROVESOS. Ver Resumen adjunto.

Fuente: Agronomy

The researchers of the CITA Ana I. Marí, Gabriel Pardo, Alicia Cirujeda and Yolanda Martinez from UniZar have published the work: "Economic Evaluation of Biodegradable Plastic Films and Paper Mulches Used in Open-Air Grown Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) Crop" in the prestigious international magazine Agronomy [2019, 9 (1), 36; doi: 10.3390 / agronomy9010036]. The first are members of the PROVESOS group. See attached summary.

